“Theory of Music or Reflections on this Art, Incorporating Its History, Aim, Influence of Music, General-Bass, Rules of Composition, Description of Instruments, Different Kinds of Music and Everything that Refers to it in Detail. Written in Russia and for Russians”. The book was published by Gustav Hess de Calve in 1818 in Kharkov. The book in two parts was written in German and translated into Russian by Razumnik Gonorsky. The work was devoted to Empress Elizabeth Alexeievna who had been presented with the manuscript earlier.
The book was published by Gustav Hess de Calve in 1818 in Kharkov
Gustav Hess de Calve
Parts of the book devoted to landowners’ orchestras and the Russian musicians contemporary to the author are worth special attention. Gustav de Calve’s work was the first attempt in Russia to cover this topic.
The excerpts from the book were published in “The Ukrainsky Vestnik” in 1816 (NN 1 and 2) and in 1817 (N 8).